
R1: Preparatory Phase

The Preparatory Phase consists of 3 phases, as follows:

  • Identification of rural communities/localities
  • Setting up of sharing and support system in the selected rural communities
  • Production of a transnational report – action framework.

Objectives of the R1:

  • To give access to knowledge to both women and men and build capacity to dismantle gender norms and roles.
  • To successfully prevent GBV through the empowerment of the target groups.
  • To develop a mentoring scheme for the implementation of the UNROOT awareness-raising training programme (R2).
  • To adopt a holistic approach to primary prevention of GBV.

R2: The UNROOT Awareness-Raising Training Programme

The UNROOT awareness-raising training programme provides a 60-hour long, highly focused and specialized awareness-raising training on the primary prevention of GBV to women and men with different social backgrounds living in non-urban, rural areas.

A Training Manual for adult support workers and trainers that work closely with the topic of GBV and support women in rural and non-urban localities is developed.

Objectives of the R2:

  • To actively engage men in the context of GBV, recognising and addressing their vulnerabilities.
  • To enable men to become agents of change regarding gender norms and masculinity.
  • To raise awareness of one’s own individual prejudices and attitudes towards normalizing behaviours that perpetuate GBV.
  • To raise awareness on the intersection between gender and social norms on a macro-level addressing the needs of community members.
  • To empower women and men to address their own gender biases based on non-formal education methodologies, including mutual and experiential learning.

R3: Advocacy Campaign

The Advocacy Campaign implements two policy webinars with community stakeholders, gender experts, and policymakers in all partner countries. The webinars will feed the development of an integrated policy paper to inform decisions and practices on the primary prevention of GBV.

Objectives of R3:

– To raise awareness of experts and key professionals and help them to find support for political decisions which will improve existing frameworks on GBV.

– To raise awareness of the cultural specificities and constraints that women living in rural areas face using innovative tools such as intersectionality.

– To present and disseminate the project outcomes and enhance the debate around the necessity of primary prevention of GBV in rural communities.

– To highlight the importance of integrating primary prevention of GBV in policy solutions.