Stichting Vrouw en Welzijn / Netherlands
Type of the organisation: Foundation
Contact person:
The ‘Vrouw en Welzijn’ Foundation is a non-profit NGO based in the Netherlands that has been dealing with societal issues for nearly 20 years and counting. It deals with matters of social importance such as primary and secondary health care, volunteer work, training, reintegration processes, mediation & life coaching. Stichting Vrouw en Welzijn has an interesting range of training courses for policy staff, professionals and volunteers working in the field of care & welfare.

SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education / Cyprus
Type of the organisation: Research Institute/Centre
Contact person:
SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organisation which initiates and implements projects of social impact, with a focus on social inclusion. SYNTHESIS has founded and is managing HUB NICOSIA, an educational centre and a community of organisations with cultural, environmental and social aims for social cohesion and innovation. It develops training programmes that enhance the skills and competences of individuals with fewer opportunities, such as NEET youth, young people with migrant/ refugee background, young women, youth, and young adults with learning or emotional difficulties, people with disabilities, and other at the risk of social exclusion.
SYNTHESIS holds recognised experience in Research, Policy and Evaluation, as it has been providing services to the European Commission, governmental, non-governmental and private institutions.

Welcome Home International / Belgium
Type of the organisation: Non-governmental organisation/association
Contact person:
Welcome Home International is a small NGO that was founded in March 2018 inspired by volunteering while hosting many refugees into their homes. As an organisation, their philosophy is that integration is a two-way street. They seek innovative methods to support refugees and asylum seekers arriving in our societies. They implement and design hands-on projects to create inviting environments where newcomers and local community members can acquire the tools and information needed to help integration happen naturally.
Welcome Home International is an expert in creating course content for refugees and migrants and support with the acquisition of the target languages being French, Dutch and English.

Type of the organisation: Non-governmental organisation/association
Contact person:
Symplexis is a non-for-profit organisation, aiming at elevating social cohesion, serving the modern needs of populations at risk of social exclusion and promoting human rights. Symplexis is trying to design and implement integrated and sustainable programmes so that specific populations either in the edge or outside the labour market can (re)gain access to it. Such programmes require a beneficiary-driven approach, considering the many special characteristics and needs of different vulnerable target groups. Combatting relevant stereotypes, alleviating gender-based discrimination and cultivating a feeling of respect and acceptance of diversity constitute the specific objectives of all relevant interventions.
Symplexis is quality-oriented, applying a specific set of standards to all activities implemented. This set of standards includes not only project-related rules and benchmarks, but also a code of conduct for the project team members and all professionals involved in project design and implementation.

Austrian Association of Inclusive Society (AIS) / Austria
Type of the organisation: Non-governmental organisation/association
Contact person:
Austrian Association of Inclusive Society (AIS) is a non-governmental research organization established at Vienna, Austria. AIS aims to improve the situation of people who have social, economic, educational disadvantages (such as people in poverty, refugees, immigrants) and disabilities (physical, sensory, intellectual) in all areas of social, cultural, and educational life. AIS works on adaptation and inclusion of people to social, educational, technological, and physical environment through improvement of their communication and social skills, and exchange of experience.